Sunday, April 6, 2014

3 Easy Steps To Getting A Mortgage

Step 3: Apply for a Loan

The application process is the easy part - provided you've gathered the documents necessary to prove claims you make on the application.

The application will ask for information about your job tenure, employment stability, income, your assets (property, cars, bank accounts and investments) and your liabilities (auto loans, installment loans, mortgages, credit-card debt, household expenses and others).

The lender will run a credit check to determine your credit status, but you'll have to supply additional documentation including paycheck stubs, bank account statements, tax returns, investment earnings reports, rental agreements, divorce decrees, proof of insurance and other documentation. A lender that deems you creditworthy will likely hire a professional appraiser to make sure the value of the home you are about to buy is truly worth your loan amount.

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